


The Three Bears by Byron Barton
Where’s My Teddy? by Jez Alborough (BIG book)
The Little Mouse, The Red Ripe Strawberry and the Big Hungry Bear by Audrey & Don Wood

Board/Prop Story:
The Little Mouse, The Red Ripe Strawberry and the Big Hungry Bear by Audrey & Don Wood

Action Rhymes / Songs:

Action Rhyme: “Bears Eat Honey”
A bear eats honey (pretend to eat)
He thinks it’s yummy
In his tummy (rub tummy)
But the bees don’t think it’s funny!
Buzzzzzzzzzzzz! (make buzzing noise)
Credit: King County Library System

Song: “If You’re a Bear and You Know It” (tune of “If You’re Happy…”)
If you’re a panda bear and you know it, clap your paws
If you’re a panda bear and you know it, clap your paws
If you’re a panda bear and you know it, then your face will surely show it
If you’re a panda bear and you know it, clap your paws

If you’re a polar bear and you know it, show your teeth
If you’re a polar bear and you know it, show your teeth
If you’re a polar bear and you know it, then your face will surely show it
If you’re a polar bear and you know it, show your teeth

If you’re a grizzly bear and you know it, growl real loud
If you’re a grizzly bear and you know it, growl real loud
If you’re a grizzly bear and you know it, then your face will surely show it
If you’re a grizzly bear and you know it, growl real loud

The Bear Went Over the Mountain (Traditional)
The bear went over the mountain
The bear went over the mountain
The bear went over the mountain
To see what he could see!

And all that he could see…
And all that he could see…

Was the other side of the mountain
The other side of the mountain
The other side of the mountain
Was all that he could see!

We then recite this rhyme, moving the bear around to the body parts indicated:
Bippity, boppity, boo, there’s a teddy bear on my…shoe!
Bippity, boppity, bee, there’s a teddy bear on my…knee!
Bippity, boppity, belbow, there’s a teddy bear on my…elbow!
Bippity, boppity, bose, there’s a teddy bear on my…nose!

Etc…continued for as long as you can find rhymes!

RHYME: Teddy Wore His Red Shirt
Tune: “Mary Wore Her Red Dress”
Teddy wore his red shirt, red shirt, red shirt
Teddy wore his red shirt all day long.
Teddy wore his blue pants….
Teddy wore his yellow hat….
Teddy wore his green socks….
Teddy wore his black shoes….

Activity: Felt Activity: Color Bears. I handed out the bears to the children and they brought their bear up to the board when I called their color. With this activity, we practice listening and following directions. We also reinforce color concepts and we practice counting when we count them all up at the end.

I set out wooden blocks and color sorting bears similar to these by Lakeshore Learning. It was amazing to me how long the blocks kept the kids occupied!

Action Rhyme: “We’re Going on a Bear Hunt”
We’re going on a bear hunt (We’re going on a bear hunt)
Gonna catch a big one (Gonna catch a big one)
I’m not scared (I’m not scared)
What a beautiful day! (What a beautiful day!)
Oh look! It’s some long, wavy grass!
Can’t go under it (Can’t go under it)
Can’t go over it (Can’t go over it)
Can’t go around it (Can’t go around it)
Gotta go through it (Gotta go through it!)
(Trees, River, Storm, Cave, etc. until you meet a bear; then run back!)

“Ten Teddy Bears Sleeping in the Bed”
Ten little teddy bears sleeping in the bed,
Five at the foot and five at the head.
One little teddy said, “This bed is TOO full!”
So he grabbed the blanket and started to pull.
He pulled and he pulled and he pulled some more,
Until two little teddies went BOOM to the floor!
(Make pulling motions with PULL and clap with the BOOM)

(Count down until…)

One little teddy bear sleeping in the bed,
Zero at the foot and one at the head.
This little teddy said, “This is not right!
I don’t want to sleep alone tonight!”

One little teddy bear sleeping in the bed,
Zero at the foot and one at the head.
This teddy said, “This bed is NOT full!”
So he put out his paw and started to pull.
He pulled and he pulled and he pulled some more,
Until four little teddies climbed up from the floor!

(Count up until…)

Ten little teddy bears sleeping in the bed,
Five at the foot and five at the head.
One little teddy said, “This is JUST right!”
So ten little teddy bears said, “Good Night!”
Susan Pflug, Copyright 1990
Credit: I found this rhyme here: SurLaLune Storytime.

5 Bears in the Bed
5 bears in the bed (hold up 5 fingers) and the little one said:
“roll over! roll over!” (roll hands)
So they all rolled over and one fell out! (1 bear falls out of bed)
4 bears in the bed… etc.

Play time:
Story retelling; early literacy coloring sheet / handout

Early Literacy Asides:

Aside #1: Today we’ll be learning about letter knowledge. Letter knowledge means that children know that the same letter can look different and that letters have names and represent sounds.

Aside #2: Playing is a wonderful way to increase children’s letter knowledge. You can look for letters in your everyday life. You can play the alphabet game while you’re on car rides. You can play with blocks and shapes. Here at the library we have alphabet blocks which are a great way to work on letter knowledge!

Other books considered / used for display:
Orange Pear Apple Bear by Emily Gravett
Old Bear by Kevin Henkes
Bears on Chairs by Shirley Parenteau
Bear in the Air by Susan Meyers
Brown Bear, Brown Bear, What Do You See? by Bill Martin, Jr.
More Bears! by Kenn Nesbitt
No Bears by Megan McKinlay
A Very Curious Bear by Tony Mitton
Bear Flies High by Michael Rosen
Baby Bear Sees Blue by Ashley Wolff
Jamberry by Bruce Degen
Bear’s New Friend by Karma Wilson
Teddy Bears’ Picnic by Jimmy Kennedy
Bears! Bears! Bears! by Bob Barner
A Den is a Bed for a Bear by Becky Baines
Where’s My Teddy? by Jez Alborough
The Red Sled by Lita Judge
We’re Going on a Bear Hunt! by Michael Rosen
The Bear Came Over to My House by Rick Walton
Bear’s Bargain by Frank Asch
Bears on Wheels by Stan & Jan Berenstain
Jesse Bear, What Will You Wear? by Nancy White Carlstrom

Resources Consulted:
Storytime Katie
Miss Meg’s Storytime
Miss Mary Liberry
Abby the Librarian
Sunflower Storytime
Sunflower Storytime
Storytime Katie

Reflection:  This is by far the best storytime theme of all time. There is just so much material to choose from and you really can’t go wrong with any of it. I always read The Three Bears because most of the kids know it well enough to help me tell it and if there are any that haven’t heard it before, I get to be the one to introduce them to it. I really like Where’s My Teddy because of all the rhymes. We also spend time retelling both the stories which allows me to talk to the caregivers about how important rhyming and retelling are and how they relate to early literacy and reading ability. The Little Mouse…Bear is a great one because I have props to help tell the story with as I read the book. The kids always get a big laugh when I put the disguise on the mouse and the strawberry.  All in all, this storytime is a personal favorite and a big winner with everyone.



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